The definitive source for synthpop music

add-logoIf you are new to synthpop that electronic music, one of the questions you’re probably asking is, “Where can I buy this amazing music?” The definitive source for everything synthpop is Todd Durrant’s excellent online store, A Different Drum ( No matter how obscure the artist or track, chances are Todd either has it in his catalog, or can find it for you. What’s more, he also runs a small independent synthpop music label, which includes such notable acts as Neuroactive, The Echoing Green, Kiethevez,  Rename, Rupesh Cartel, Wave in Head and many others – 51 in all. Todd seems to have a special talent for finding and producing promising synthpop groups!

If you want to get a sense for the variety of songs that make up modern synthpop, all you have to do is visit the home page of A Different Drum. A pop-up music player appears, playing dozens of songs that showcase a diversity of song styles and artists. These aren’t just song samples, either, but complete tracks. Great stuff!

todd-durrantIn fact, it’s not too much of a stretch to say that Todd Durrant is the “guardian angel” of synthpop music. Of all of the people in this underappreciated music genre, Todd has done more to keep the flame burning and to relentlessly innovate to help grow this fascinating and multi-faceted musical niche. In recent years, he has experimented with holding synthpop music festivals, sending sampler CDs with each mail order, selling a specially packaged collection of science-fiction short stories and companion songs to accompany each one, releasing themed compilation CDs, even releasing selected remixes from several of his label artists on vinyl!

As Todd explains in his recently-launched weblog, it has been a struggle to keep A Different Drum going. Like many other small, independent music labels, Todd’s business is adversely affected by illegal music downloads, which are now rampant. Even some of most obscure, limited releases have found their way to online music sharing services within a matter of weeks of their release, much to Todd’s dismay. Running such a business certainly is not a way to get rich quick, as Todd will be the first one to tell you.  But there is no question that he is passionate about this musical genre.

I, for one, deeply appreciate all that he’s done to support and grow the synthpop music genre. Please be sure to support his tireless efforts by purchasing music from his online store. And if you want to keep up with what’s new in this musical world, be sure to sign up for his weekly e-mail newsletter, which always highlights the latest and greatest and also calls attention to special promotions and discounts from time to time.

Keep up the great work, Todd!

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